At the end of each school year the Art Department presents a slideshow of student artwork produced during the year. This is presented in front of the entire studentbody at what is called the "Fine Arts Assembly." It's a great chance for the artists to be recognized publicly for their hard work and achievement.
The links below are to screen recordings of the slideshows and some do not include the music. Also, the slideshow from 2009-2010 was lost due to a hard drive crash (always back-up, people), and for that I apologize. The work from that year will have to live on in our memories, and in the porfolios of the artists.
Mr. Nielsen, Mrs. Dennis, and I have been the Art teachers during the years in which the slideshow has been part of SJH. Sadly, the artists, artwork, and other Art teachers (Mr. Patterson, Ms. Madsen, Mr. Bradbury, Mr. Call, and Mr. Oram) from the early to mid-part of my career are not represented. I am sorry about that, too.
2021 — Covid
2020 — Covid
2010 — Lost