Online Educational Resources

In my opinion, for Art Education, it still best to have a class, class assignments, and to have personal contact with a teacher, instructor, or mentor on a regular basis. In choosing who should be your mentor, or what school you might attend, I first recommend looking at the artwork done by the mentor in whom you are interested. Second, look at the artwork done by the current or past students of said mentor. If your mentor’s work and the works done by his / her students appeals to you, than that school or that mentor might be a good fit for you, or at least a good starting point.

With the advent of the Internet, Art Education has entered an exciting frontier. The idea of being able to access Art Education content from almost anywhere in the world at a relatively low cost is very exciting. Below are a few online resources that might appeal to aspiring artists:

Creature Art Teacher


Folio Academy


SmART School

SVS Learn