“To be good, you have to draw eight days a week.” -Pablo Picasso
Is Art 1 required? Or, in other words, do I really have to take this class?
No. Art 1 is an elective that is most often taken in a student’s seventh-grade year. Students who are not interested in art (drawing shading, coloring) should not take Art 1 and should look elsewhere to fill elective slots. Eighth-grade students and ninth-grade students may also take Art 1. Ninth-grade students will received high school credit for successful completion of Art 1.
Is 2-D Art required? Or, in other words, do I really have to take this class?
No. 2-D Art is an elective that is taken during a student’s eighth-grade year. Students take 2-D Art because they enjoyed Art 1 and because they love drawing, shading, and painting.
Is Art 2 required? Or, in other words, do I really have to take this class?
No. Art 2 is an elective that is taken during a student’s ninth-grade year. The curriculum is the same as it is for 2-D Art. Students take Art 2 because they enjoyed Art 1 and because they love drawing, shading, and painting. High school credit is given for successful completion of Art 2 and will help a student fulfill high school graduation requirements.
Is Commercial Art required? Or, in other words, do I really have to take this class?
No. Commercial Art is an elective that is taken during a student’s ninth-grade year. Students take Commercial Art because they enjoyed Art 1 and 2D Art, and because they love drawing, shading, and painting. High school credit is given for successful completion of Commercial Art and will help a student fulfill high school graduation requirements.
What is this class about?
Art 1: Art 1 students will study the Elements of Art and Principles of Design; specifically drawing with simple shapes, one-point perspective drawing, still-life drawing, grid drawing, shading, color theory, and famous artists.
Prerequisite: None.
2-D Art / Art 2: Art 2 students will continue their study of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design; specifically drawing with simple shapes, one, two, and three-point perspective drawing, still-life drawing, grid drawing, shading, watercolor painting, acrylic painting, and famous artists.
Prerequisite: Two passing terms of Art 1.
Commercial Art: Commercial Art student will develop artistic skills with the aim of someday producing artwork for monetary gain. Assignments will be given in the areas of drawing, shading, painting, cartooning, portraiture, illustration, and logo design. All projects will need to be drawn first, so students should come with drawing skills already developed in Art 1 and 2-D Art / Art 2. In addition, students will study famous artists; specifically commercial artists.
Prerequisite: Two passing terms of Art 1, and two passing terms of 2-D Art / Art 2.
What types of assignments will I be expected to do in this class?
You will spend most of your time in this class working on various art projects (drawing, coloring, shading, painting, etc.). Other types of assignments include note-taking, worksheets, slideshows, and videos with questions.
Is there a fee for the class?
Yes. The Davis County School District requires the payment of a fee in order to participate in art classes. This fee is used to cover the expenses of art supplies. For each art class in which a student is enrolled, the fee is as follows and needs to be paid in the Office:
Art 1: $15.00
2-D Art / Art 2: $20.00
Commercial Art: $20.00
What does the teacher expect from me?
I am a professional; I have the right to teach. All students have the right to learn. Disruption of my right to teach, or your right to learn will not be allowed. In other words, let me do my job and don’t bother your neighbor. If you bother me or your neighbor, we will have problems. Generally, problems will be solved by moving a student’s seat to an “isolation area,” where distractions will be minimal.
What should I bring to class?
Art 1 students should bring the following materials every single day:
-Pencil (wooden and mechanical)
-Pencil Sharpener
-Ruler (12 inches long)
-Crayola Broad Tip Markers, box of 10 or more
-Crayloa Colored Pencils, box of 12 or more
-Sketchbook (9 x 12, or smaller)
2-D Art / Art 2 students should bring the following materials every single day:
-Pencil (wooden and mechanical)
-Pencil Sharpener
-Sketchbook (9 x 12, or smaller)
Commercial Art students should bring the following materials every single day:
-Pencil (wooden and mechanical)
-Pencil Sharpener
-Crayloa Colored Pencils, box of 50
-Sketchbook (9 x 12, or smaller)
Are there any optional items?
Any other art supplies or materials may be brought from home, if those provided by the school do meet the student’s desires or expectations.
What are the policies for Absent, Late, Incomplete, and No-Name Work?
Work may be turned in for up to full credit until mid-term for work assigned from the beginning of the term until mid-term. For work assigned after mid-term, work may be turned for up to full credit until the end of the term.
Students are responsible to seek the work missed because of absence, and should try to keep up through Canvas.
Artwork turned in without a name will be placed in the “No-Name Artwork Box” near the front of the room.
Is there Extra Credit in this class?
No. The Standards Based Grading model used at SJH discourages extra credit as an unrealistic inflation of a student’s grade and achievement. However, an extra credit assignments may possibly be given near the end of each term. Extra credit assignments will not be accepted from students who have a “zero” on any assignment for the entire term.
Are there rules in this class?
Yes. The following is a short list of basic rules:
1. The school-wide tardy policy will be followed in this class. Students are marked tardy if not sitting in their seat when the bell finishes ringing.
2. Bring materials and art tools everyday (please never ask me to loan you a pencil or an eraser.)
3. Be quiet and attentive during class discussions and while others are speaking -- especially me.
4. Raise hand to be recognized before speaking.
5. No candy or pop is permitted in class.
6. No electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, iPods, MP3 players, cameras, headphones, etc.) are allowed in class and will be confiscated. They will then need to be retrieved from an Administrator.
7. “Quiet Time” will be observed while producing artwork and during drawing demonstrations.
Is there any one rule that is more important than any other?
Yes, #7, “Quiet Time.” The production of excellent artwork requires total concentration. Because this is so, conversations during the production of artwork are unacceptable and will not be allowed. Conversation while producing artwork leads to poorly completed assignments and low grades. In this class there is no such thing as, “We’re working while we’re talking...” Talkative artists will be moved to an "isolation area," where opportunities to talk will occur less frequently.
How long will I need to work on assignments?
Each assignment will have a prescribed “minimum effort time.” This time will be posted at the front of the classroom (see image below). This time represents the absolute minimum amount of time that a student should spend on an assignment. Students who cannot meet this requirement will be assigned an enrichment activity in the area of Art History. This Art History assignment will enlarge the student’s knowledge of great artists from the past, and will be a part of the student’s grade.
How often may I use the hall pass?
A request for hall pass usage is really just a request for a break from a student’s art education — usually because a student is bored or uninterested in the assignment. Rarely does a student have a legitimate need for the hall pass. Because this is so, hall pass usage will be limited to once per term.
How will I be graded?
Syracuse Junior High uses a Standards Based Grading model. Grading standards, grading criteria, and grading rubrics will be thoroughly described to students. Students will know what they need to do in order to receive a “4.” Please do not expect to receive a “4” if the work does not show “Mastery.” Please refer to the chart below:
How can I find out my current grade?
The best way to keep track of your grade is through the Internet on the Davis County School District web site. Canvas will not be used as a grading tool in this class.
How are citizenship grades awarded?
The Syracuse Junior High Citizenship Rubric will be followed in the assigning of citizenship grades. Citizenship grades are based on tardies, behavior, attitude, and cooperation. It is expected that you will be cooperative and responsible for your own behavior. Citizenship grades will be assigned as follows:
H: Excellent behavior and cooperation, positive contributions to class (no tardies).
G: Good behavior (1 tardy allowed).
S: Satisfactory behavior, no serious problems (2 tardies allowed).
N: Needs improvement, excessive disruptions (3 tardies allowed).
U: Unsatisfactory, complaining or whining about assignments, severe disruptions, a daily discipline problem, tracing, cheating, truancy, office referral, unprepared without supplies or class materials, open defiance of authority, refusal to work on assignments, sleeping in class, disrespectful language towards classmates or towards teacher, cell-phone, headphones, or electronic device usage without permission, etc. (4 or more tardies).
How can I or my parents contact you?
School address: 1450 S. 2000 W., Syracuse UT 84075
Phone: (801) 402-6800
E-mail address: jcalvin@dsdmail.net
This site is an excellent source to view course information, instructor art, student art, grading criteria, materials, philosophy, etc